The only place that The Long Trail and Appalachian Trail intersect and a hiker before me built this unique series of cairns.
A long exposure, ND filter and the sun shining through the tree leaves created the great lighting.

I had read about the technique of “panning” and this is my first try. It came out better than I had hoped. It was after supper in the summer and the sunlight facing the camera created the great colors.
Killington, Vt.

I was unexpectedly stop by a train at a crossing in North Bennington, Vt. and watched this 50th anniversary car go by wishing that I had known it was coming because I would have been ready to take its photo. Well, after the train’s caboose was at the crossing the train went in reverse to switch tracks which meant that the anniversary car would pass by me again so I quickly reached for my camera bag.

I stopped in Pittsford, Vt. because of a cool barn that I wanted to photograph but discovered this very unique piece of art and gained permission to photograph it as well as the barn that held it up.

Simon Pierce in Quechee , Vt. gave me this Spring view of the waterfall rushing so hard that the spray coming off it created a rainbow in the bottom right corner of the photo.

Killington, Vt. Look hard and you will see the branches and leaves. I loved the contrast of the dark bark and the gold of the leaves.

Chimney Point, Vt. and a hot Summer day. Pure luck…I was walking on a trail and had my new 10 x 20 curved glass with me when I just noticed the clouds all around this lonely tree. The direct light naturally created the tree to be in silhouette .

Panning at different exposure times and experimenting with the speed you move your camera lets you create great colors like this.

It is very rare that you find a cornfield still standing in Vermont this late in the Fall but I did and I took complete advantage of using it to stage this picture with three distinct characters. The gold of the cornstalks gone by , the ridge of foliage at its peak and the clouds.

This is near the top of the Appalachian Gap and is the Mad River Ski Area. Peak foliage season and I noticed that the gate was open to the chair lift platform so I climbed up it and shot this angle .
Waitsfield, Vt.

I panned at the longest exposure time I had ever had any luck at and I used an angle route to draw my camera downward.

I was never able to capture such a distinct blue color panning before this shot. Summer.

There is a tremendous difference in a finished picture if you pan with backlighting or not. This photo has no backlighting and allows you to create the tree branches more clearly but still have a painted , abstract value to the picture.

Plymouth , Vt. has an old cemetery and on this day the clouds blessed me. I shot at a low resolution on purpose to create a grainy, eerie effect. The clouds framed the headstone perfectly.

If Ansel Adams had not had desserts and the Rocky Mountains as backdrops this is what his work might
have looked like.

It was early spring and the grass was brown and patchy. The tree’s buds hadn’t opened and the shot was blah. So I went to this vantage point and decided black & white was the way to go. I let the branch and leaning headstone lead me into the meeting house.

Old Bennington, Vt.
Clouds were on my side so I let them join the photo of Vermont’s first church when Vermont become its own state.

The birdhouse was beautiful and the flowers wrapped around the base just right but the clouds were the star of the shot.

I couldn’t tell you why there was an interior door mixed in with the firewood but it struck me as a neat photo.

In Brandon , Vt. one year the government paid this farmer to grow just sunflowers in his fields . It was a grant to study Sunflower oil as an energy alternative source. I don’t think it worked out but it was a great photo op.

Winter is coming but there was enough not slushy, not frozen pond for these ducks to land and swim. Nice reflection also.

Just as the sun was rising I took this shot. I wanted to take different than the usual Fall pictures. This is a swamp with cat tails, a beaver hut and deadwood. I made the fall colors the backdrop of the photo instead of the front and center star. Because it was so early in the morning I was able to use a long exposure to get the painted look.

I liked the wildflowers , then the swamp and the mountain way in the back ground.

I felt like panning on this trip and the Arlington swamp allowed me to be creative.

The dead trees create a great opportunity to make them the foreground of a panned shot.